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Mukta Akter
Jan 08, 2022
In Business Forum
In a world where Albania Phone Number List learning throughout life is simultaneously made possible and necessary social and technological changes staggering, comfort and efficiency that provides this new way of learning makes it a great educational force for the 21st century.The historical view of computer network and distance learning Albania Phone Number List Computer-based communication networks originally occurred in the 1960s with the email address in the time-sharing computers (media sharing at the same time). People communicate by sending messages Albania Phone Number List using the same mainframe computers through terminals connected to mainframe or dial-up . In was developed Albania Phone Number List sites that used the technology packages (dedicated phone lines for data communication). It was originally developed to connect researchers with central Albania Phone Number List computers to share hardware and software resources, as disk space, the power of the processor, database, etc..Users soon realized that they wanted more than that. They wanted Albania Phone Number List nets which allow them to send messages to each state tjetran about their projects. So in the 1970 was added the possibility of sending the e-mail, which became menjehre used in service with the network. Mail lists (or distribution lists) Albania Phone Number List were those which were implemented later after users realized that there would have to send e-mail but only one person against a particular group. In 1983 ARPANET split into ARPANET and Milne (an unclassified military network), but kumunikimi between the two continued. Bond between them became Albania Phone Number List the basis of the Internet (the largest network in the world nowadays).At the beginning of academic networks and educators had limited access to them.ARPANET access was limited to the Army and we are working with universities to protect research. Networking with other applications Albania Phone Number List network Unix decentralized.
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Mukta Akter

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