Signal And System Book By Tarun Kumar Rawat Pdf 267
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The Media Surveillance center was established at the state headquarters on August 20, 2018. This center worked 247 and had 24 hour Internet Connectivity, Television, Radio, and various Local and National Newspapers. The center consisted of two Medical Officers, ten staff for technical support, one nodal person from all districts for local news reporting, and a group of volunteers for helping out with media scanning. For the ease of data capture and documentation, the staff and volunteers were assigned into four teams: WhatsApp Helpline Team, the Television team, the Social Media team, and the Newspaper team. We developed Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) and collected data from August 20 to September 15, 2018. An online reporting form was filled on a real-time basis, and the medical officers analyzed this to generate alerts for various departments. The system disseminated the signals based on urgency. Situation analysis and the report of the actions taken were prepared and maintained for further references and improvements. Recommendations were drafted based on the day to day experience and were sent to the state and district officials on the same day for further course correction.
5. European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control. Data quality monitoring and surveillance system evaluation: a handbook of methods and applications. [Internet]. Stockholm: ECDC; 2014 [cited 2020 Jun 22]. Available from: =EUB:NOTICE:TQ0414829:EN:HTML
2. Ganeshkumar P, Murhekar MV, Poornima V, Saravanakumar V, Sukumaran K, Anandaselvasankar A, et al. Dengue infection in India: A systematic review and meta-analysis. PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases. 2018 Jul 16;12(7):e0006618. 153554b96e