Introduction To World Philosophy: A Multicultural Reader Books Pdf File !LINK!
Theory and practice of art. The course emphasizes the use of a variety of materials, media, and methods in art production. It introduces students to the history of art, the evolution of art in the West, and the aesthetic and contextual issues of contemporary art and art criticism. Students also learn about various philosophies and theories of art, such as formalism, cubism, surrealism, and postmodernism.
Major course. (3-0-1) Introduction to film and video with emphasis on production methods, film and video theory, and techniques of documentary and experimental film making. Prerequisite: ART 201. Spring
Specializations: Art History, Fine Arts, World Art, and Specialized Study. Prerequisite: Regents Art and Art History, or its equivalent, or permission of the instructor. Corequisite: VAR101A, VAR101B or VAR101C
An introduction to the study of art in the world, with emphasis on the relationship of art to culture, society, and the environment. General topics include the origin and development of modern art, cultural studies, the history of the arts, comparative art, and cultural diversity. Offered Fall, Spring.
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