Dlportio.sys Device Driver For Mac UPDATED
Dlportio.sys Device Driver For Mac ->->->-> https://bltlly.com/2tgJf8
DLPortIO.SYS is a Windows driver. A driver is a small software program that allows your computer to communicate with hardware or connected devices. This means that a driver has direct access to the internals of the operating system, hardware etc.The free file information forum can help you determine if DLPortIO.SYS is a Windows system file or if it belongs to an application that you can trust.
Description: DLPortIO.SYS is not essential for the Windows OS and causes relatively few problems. The DLPortIO.SYS file is located in the C:\\Windows\\System32\\drivers folder or sometimes in the C:\\Windows\\System32 folder.Known file sizes on Windows 10/11/7 are 3,584 bytes (85% of all occurrences) or 5,632 bytes. The driver can be started or stopped from Services in the Control Panel or by other programs.The file is a file with no information about its developer. The program has no visible window. There is no detailed description of this service. The file is not a Windows system file.DLPortIO.SYS appears to be a compressed file.Therefore the technical security rating is 48% dangerous, but you should also take into account the user reviews.
Important: Some malware disguises itself as DLPortIO.SYS, particularly when not located in the C:\\Windows\\System32\\drivers folder. Therefore, you should check the DLPortIO.SYS process on your PC to see if it is a threat. We recommend Security Task Manager for verifying your computer's security. This was one of the Top Download Picks of The Washington Post and PC World.
DLPortIO.SYS is not part of Windows, but it is important nonetheless. DLPortIO.SYS is found in the C:\\Windows\\System32\\drivers directory.The file size is 3,584 bytes.If necessary, you can manually stop or start this driver in the Device Manager. The Device Manager can be found in Windows Control Panel under Hardware and Sound/Devices and Printers/Device Manager. The driver facilitates access to your computer's hardware and accessories.The file does not contain any exact product information, as would normally be expected today. The program executes in the background, and can only be terminated using Windows Task Manager. For this service - unlike Windows' own system services - there is no good description available. It does not come from Microsoft and is not part of the operating system.DLPortIO.SYS appears to be a file that was compressed by an EXE-Packer. This technique is often used by trojans to keep the file size small and also hamper debugging efforts. However, this in itself is not sufficient reason to presume malicious intent, since even well-intentioned, professional software producers take advantage of compressed files.For this reason, 54% of all experts consider this file to be a possible threat. The probability that it can cause harm is high.
After uninstalling, restart your computer. Then start Windows Explorer and see if there is still a folder with the name of the software under C:\\Program Files. Be sure to check the Registry as well for remnants of DriverLINX Port I/O driver. To do this, start \"Regedit\", then look under \"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\" > \"Software\" for DriverLINX Port I/O driver or the name of the producer. Always keep in mind that only a computer professional should ever directly delete entries in the Windows Registry.
The MAX7219 and MAX7221 are 8-digit, 7-segment, common-cathode, multiplexed, LED display drivers which drive up to 40mA peak segment current, while operating from a 4V to 5.5V supply. Control is accomplished through a 4-wire (MAX7219) or SPI (MAX7221) serial interface.
To install on a Windows NT, 2000, or XP platform, download the MAX7219-NT.EXE file (2.3MB). This is a WinZIP self-extracting archive that contains ReadMe.txt, ReadMeSST.txt, MAX7221.EXE, PORT95NT.EXE, and MSVBVM50.DLL. The default download directory is C:\\MAX7221. PORT95NT.EXE is the install program for the DriverLINX drivers which installs and registers the DLPortIO.DLL library and DLPortIO.SYS driver. PORT95NT.EXE can be deleted after installation. Windows 95, 98, 98SE, ME users can also use this installation procedure if they wish.
Connecting a MAX7219 or MAX7221 to the Parallel PortThe utility uses 3 of the 8 parallel port printer output lines to drive the LED drivers. A parallel port control input line is used for serial interface read back, and is only needed if registers are to be examined (see the description for the 'Utility' button). You can control up to 16, daisy-chained MAX7221s and/or MAX7219s at once. Either the LPT1 or LPT2 port may be selected from the software. The port can be a standard, ECP, or EPP type. The port connections are shown in Figure 1.
The software controls up to 16 MAX7219 or MAX7221 drivers. The drivers are presumed to be cascaded, (i.e., the DOUT pin of the first MAX7219 or MAX7221 connects to the DIN pin of the second MAX7219 or MAX7221, whose DOUT pin connects to the DIN pin of the third MAX7219 or MAX7221, and so on). The total number of MAX7219 or MAX7221 devices is set by the 'Number of Drivers' slider. When this is set to more than 1, the 'Enable global driver write' and 'Enable auto-increment' check boxes are available. When 'Enable global driver write' is clear, only the MAX7221 driver selected by the 'Current Driver' slider is written to when a write command is selected - the others receive the no-op instruction. When 'Enable global driver write' is checked, all the MAX7219 or MAX7221 drivers are written to with the same data. When 'Enable auto-increment' is checked, the current driver number is automatically incremented after each write action. This allows the user to quickly send the same data for a series of MAX7219 or MAX7221 drivers.
The 'Fast serial interface' check box sets the serial interface speed. When checked, serial interface runs at machine-dependent full speed up to 1 Mbits/sec; unchecked, the speed is limited to 500 bits/sec maximum. The slow speed may be useful when connecting over very long cables. The program will normally only communicate with the target driver (or drivers) when a 'Write' or 'Read' button is pressed.
The Exit button, or pressing the Esc key, closes the program. Before closing, the program stores the last settings for device configuration in a file called MAX7221.ini in the same directory that the program was executed from. Nothing is written to the Windows registry. The settings include the position of the main window, and the interface settings on the main window. If the MAX7221.ini doesn't exist then it is created; otherwise it is overwritten. To restore program default settings, or if the MAX7221.ini is corrupted, simply delete the MAX7221.ini file.
To install to a Windows NT or 2000 platform, download the MAX6956-NT.EXE file. This is a WinZIP self-extracting archive that contains ReadMe.txt, ReadMeSST.txt, MAX6956.EXE, PORT95NT.EXE, and MSVBVM50.DLL. The default download directory is C:\\MAX6956. PORT95NT.EXE is the install program for the DriverLINX drivers which installs and registers the DLPortIO.DLL library and DLPortIO.SYS driver. PORT95NT.EXE can be deleted after installation. Windows 95, 98, 98SE, ME users can also use this installation procedure if they wish. Source CodeThe source code for this application note is available at a MAX6956 or MAX6957 to the Parallel PortThis utility uses 3 of the 8 parallel port printer output lines to simulate SPI serial interface activity, and another 2 output lines to simulate IC serial interface activity. Parallel port control input lines are used to read back SPI data, IC data, and interrupt status. Multiple (up to 16, daisy-chained) MAX6957s and/or multiple (up to 16, configured with different IC addresses) MAX6956s may be operated at once. Either the LPT1 or LPT2 port may be selected from the software. The port can be a standard, ECP, or EPP type. The port connections are shown in Figure 1.
In SPI mode, the software controls up to 16 MAX6957 drivers. The drivers are presumed to be cascaded, (i.e., the DOUT pin of the first MAX6957 connects to the DIN pin of the second MAX6957, whose DOUT pin connects to the DIN pin of the third MAX6957, and so on). The total number of MAX6957 devices is set by the 'Number of Drivers' slider. When this is set to more than 1, the 'Enable global driver write' and 'Enable auto-increment' check boxes are available. When 'Enable global driver write' is clear, only the MAX6957 driver selected by the 'Current Driver' slider is written to when a write command is selected - the others receive the no-op instruction. When 'Enable global driver write' is checked, all the MAX6957 drivers are written to with the same data. When 'Enable auto-increment' is checked, the current driver number is automatically incremented after each write action. This allows the user to quickly send the same data for a series of MAX6957 drivers.
In IC mode, the software controls up to 16 MAX6956 drivers. The first driver is presumed to be set to address 1000000x, with the addresses of subsequent devices increasing to 1001111x for the last device. To access, for example, a single MAX6956 driver at address 1001111x, simply set the 'Number of Drivers' slider to 16 and then the 'Current Driver' slider to 16, address 1001111x. The main form in IC mode is shown in Figure 3.
The program will normally only communicate with the target driver (or drivers) when a 'Write' or 'Read' button is pressed. However, the program attempts to monitor an interrupt output pin presumed to be connected to the parallel port pin 13. This is displayed on the main window and displays status as High or Low.
The 'Automatic Update control' button, when checked, makes the program continually poll all 28 port input registers and the interrupt register bit. The reading rate depends on the setting of the 'Fast serial interface' check box, and is many times a second (Fast) or every many seconds (Slow). Note: slow mode is very slow! The 'Reading driver x' slider allows the user to set the device being automatically read independently to the driver(s) accessible through the 'Current driver' control. 153554b96e