Cause Of Juvenile Delinquency Essay _TOP_
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The attitude of the juvenile delinquent may be the root cause of many problems. They do not see themselves as victims, and they are taken for granted. But, they are victims of family abuse, lack of education, and peer pressure. The community has failed to properly handle them. The juvenile who was caught has become a public nuisance, and a criminal. The community will not be able to change its attitude unless the offenders take the first step themselves. They must acknowledge their failures, and take the responsibility of their acts.
This is not to say that these youths cannot be rehabilitated. The problem is that they are treated more like criminals than juveniles. The parents of the juvenile delinquent may not be well equipped to handle them. The juvenile can also be insulted by the adult community at large. Therefore, they will not be treated with the same respect as other juveniles who make mistakes.
The juvenile delinquents usually repeat the same actions over and over again. This can lead to the development of personality disorder. This is because the juvenile has suffered from abuse, neglect, and lack of self-esteem. Their personality has been distorted. They tend to be self-centered and take advantage of others.
A juvenile who has been involved in delinquent behavior will be more likely to fall victim of future criminal activities like prostitution. Such cases of prostitution have been known to be somewhat more common among girls than boys. Because prostitution is linked to violence and especially rape, these are crimes that may be committed even by juveniles. However, the number of cases of prostitution among boys is also high. Abduction is similar to prostitution but it is usually committed by boys to girls. (Myers) Unfortunately, most of these crimes are committed by adults and not minors. The biological and environmental factors are usually responsible for the acts of delinquency (Barker 1).
The treatment of juvenile delinquents is not really a problem. The problem is the way they are treated in society. This may be due to the fact that most of these youths are involved in crimes that are not heinous and not severe. They may not require the use of force or violence to commit their crimes. The use of force can be for reasons other than self-defense. These offenders can be looked at as a nuisance to the society, and the reasons why they act in this manner are the real problems. This will be discussed later.
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